Our mission is to develop actions related to specialised training and organised activities for persons with Down Syndrome, in order to create a supportive learning environment and provide a recreation program for our beneficiaries.
Our vision is for all citizens to live and participate in a society which provides equal opportunities to all.
The Down Syndrome Association of Greece was established by 22 families in 1990 through an initiative of Ms Charikleia Chatzisevastou-Loukidou, Professor of Pediatrics, Genetics Clinic, A.U.T.H. It is the first organized group of parents of children with Down's Syndrome in Greece. The Assocation is a Non-Profit Organisation for the Provision of Social Welfare Services that is registered with and supervised by the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity.

We develop actions related to specialised training and organised activities for persons with Down's Syndrome
Ο Σύλλογος Συνδρόμου Down Ελλάδας σας προσκαλεί στο Χριστουγεννιάτικο Παζάρι στις 12 και 13/12.
Help me climb the stairs with you
The educational programs and activities are addressed to the children with Down's Syndrome and their parents.
Support the Association's educational programs, which are absolutely vital in order to develop the skills and well-being of its members!
Funding for the Down Syndrome Association of Greece is provided through the subscriptions of its members, by events organized by the Association, and also through friends and supporters who provide donations and sponsorships. These funds cover the operating costs and salaries of the staff.
Stay tuned for updates
Our mission is to develop actions related to specialised training and organised activities for persons with Down's Syndrome, in order to create a supportive learning environment and provide a recreation program for our beneficiaries.